
I’m excited about the potential of virtual and mixed reality (XR) – or what can be called spatial computing and multimodal 3D user interfaces. In combination with conversational interfaces, haptics, and artificial intelligence, XR technology will fundamentally change how we interact with digital content. Virtual space will soon be as seamlessly integrated into our personal and professional lives as laptops and smartphones are today.

Let’s design the interactions between people and this new generation of technology to empower users. Let’s create ubiquitous availability of virtuality rather than intrusive distraction. Let’s strive to enrich the user’s world in meaningful and helpful ways instead of cluttering it. I dream of a smooth integration of the virtual into the real that feels like naturally engaging with the world rather than operating a system.

This paradigm shift in human-computer interaction (HCI) raises fascinating and impactful questions. For which tasks will XR be the new standard interface? How does it affect text? What’s the impact on our workspace, notifications, family life, data sharing, collaboration, safety, and so many other areas? I want to contribute to answering these questions.

My research focus

  • Human-computer interaction (HCI),
    interaction design and conceptualization
  • Virtual reality (VR), blended realities (XR)
    3D interactions and spatial computing
  • Aspects of fidelity and realism
  • Object manipulation and haptics
  • Embodiment
  • Conversational user interfaces



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Selected Publications

The Interaction Fidelity Model: A Taxonomy to Communicate the Different Aspects of Fidelity in Virtual Reality
2024. Michael Bonfert, Thomas Muender, Ryan P. McMahan, Frank Steinicke, Doug Bowman, Rainer Malaka, and Tanja Döring. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Taylor & Francis. DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2024.2400377

Challenges of Controlling the Rotation of Virtual Objects with Variable Grip Using Force-Feedback Gloves
2023. Michael Bonfert, Maiko Hübinger, and Rainer Malaka. Frontiers in Virtual Reality 4. DOI: 10.3389/frvir.2023.1190426

“Seeing the faces is so important”—Experiences from online team meetings on commercial virtual reality platforms
2023. Michael Bonfert, Anke V. Reinschluessel, Susanne Putze, Yenchin Lai, Dmitry Alexandrovsky, Rainer Malaka, and Tanja Döring. Frontiers in Virtual Reality 3. DOI: 10.3389/frvir.2022.945791

Haptic Fidelity Framework: Defining the Factors of Realistic Haptic Feedback for Virtual Reality
2022. Thomas Muender, Michael Bonfert, Anke Reinschluessel, Rainer Malaka, and Tanja Döring. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’22), ACM. DOI: 10.1145/3491102.3501953

Understanding Circumstances for Desirable Proactive Behaviour of Voice Assistants: The Proactivity Dilemma
2022. Nima Zargham, Leon Reicherts, Michael Bonfert, Sarah Theres Voelkel, Johannes Schoening, Rainer Malaka, and Yvonne Rogers. Conference on Conversational User Interfaces (CUI ’22), ACM. DOI: 10.1145/3543829.3543834

Further XR work covers research on in-VR questionnaires for user studies, weight simulation in VR, hand and foot visibility for VR sports, a controller-based interaction technique, sensory feedback for virtual walls, and a mixed reality outdoor game.
More papers on conversational interfaces present research on multi-agent systems, politeness towards voice assistants, and agent visualization.